Low Fat Dog Food
At Nutriment, we take an innovative and uncompromising approach to animal health and nutrition. By selecting high-quality meat, poultry and offal, Nutriment's raw, low-fat dog food products provide a natural, premium solution for supporting a healthy weight for your dog.
Whether your dog’s breed is prone to carrying extra weight or if your dog has a health concern which makes maintaining a healthy weight difficult, a low-fat recipe might be the solution. Our raw, low-fat dog food features biologically appropriate vegetables and superfoods to boost the nutritional profile of each meal whilst providing enough calories and energy to sustain your dog’s daily lifestyle.
When should I use low-fat dog food?
In general, raw dog food, which is naturally low in fat, is an ideal meal choice for many dogs – overweight or not – due to the nutritional profile and quality of the unprocessed, raw ingredients. However, if your dog specifically experiences any of the following health concerns, it is recommended that you evaluate the fat content in your dog’s diet and consider Nutriment’s raw, low-fat dog foods for better weight control.
Low energy levels
If your dog is often tired, lethargic or exhibits low energy or mood levels, this could be linked to their diet. Dog foods high in fat, processed or biologically inappropriate can provide an excess of energy and calories, which can cause bloating and fatigue when overconsumed. If your dog frequently oversleeps or shows a reluctance to exercise or activity, it might be worth considering low-calorie dog food to see if this improves your dog’s symptoms.
Weight gain
Though a small amount of weight gain is inevitable with age, it is extremely important to manage your dog’s ideal weight and body to prevent them from developing serious health problems later in life. Feeding a raw, low-fat food option will give you more control over your dog’s weight whilst still providing vitamins, minerals and nutrients essential for optimal canine health. The diet will help your dog maintain lean muscle mass without getting too much fat or calories.
If you think your dog may be overweight, you can check our body score to understand your dog’s ideal weight better. Then you can choose a complete and balanced nutrition. However, it is important to note that if your dog is malnourished or recovering from illness, a low-fat diet may not be suitable, and it is best to consult your vet. If you have concerns regarding your dog’s weight, it is always best to consult a vet to rule out any serious health issues.
Digestion problems
If your dog consumes too much food too quickly or too often, this can seriously disrupt its digestive system. Digestive problems such as gas, irregular bowel movements and loose or smelly stools can be a serious and unpleasant issue for both dogs and their owners. A raw, low-fat diet can be hugely beneficial to dogs that are prone to overeating or have problems regulating their food intake.
Slower metabolism and senior dogs
A dog’s metabolism determines how effectively it can break down and process vital nutrients such as fats and proteins. Older dogs and specific breeds can be prone to developing a slower metabolism, meaning that it is more difficult and time-consuming to digest and process what has been eaten. Raw, low-fat dog food provides an optimal nutritional profile whilst reducing the risk of weight problems and fatigued behaviour caused by slower metabolisms.
Pancreas problems
When a dog’s pancreas does not function as it should, the body struggles to break down and store fat, which leads to severe digestive discomfort and other unpleasant issues such as vomiting, stomach cramps, gas and loose stools.
Though problems relating to the pancreas are fairly common, they can also be properly managed through diet. Raw, low-fat dog food is easier to process for dogs who are suffering from pancreatitis, especially during times of illness.