Our top 10 essentials for your dogs holiday!

Our top 10 essentials for your dogs holiday!

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Going away without your dog can be just as hard on your dog as it is for you, here is out guide on how we like to make that process a little easier for you both!

Pre portioning

Pre portioning is an easy way to help your pet sitter out with your dog’s raw diet – which can be intimidating to someone who isn’t accustomed to feeding raw!

Our raw trays are easy to partially defrost and portion into separate containers, however if this is not ideal for you then we also have meatballs, which are a great alternative to the trays as each meatball is individually frozen and pre portioned into 10g meatballs, making it much easier to calculate and portion for your pet sitter – there is also no need to partially defrost before portioning as they are individually frozen!

We also advise letting your pet sitter know where the nearest stockist is just in case they run out of your dogs food!

Mental stimulation and enrichment

Enrichment is a great way to keep your dog busy and can also provide stress and anxiety relief, and an easy way to do it is through lick mats! Lick mats are a great way to help your pet sitter out by providing your dog with some anxiety relief and some stimulation to keep them busy.

We recommend putting anything dog friendly on there, we recommend using any of their favourite treats, such as yoghurt, dog friendly peanut butter or even their Nutriment dinners! They’re also great if you’re looking for a way to get your dog to eat a little slower!

We also have videos up on our social media of how we like to use the lick mats, so if your dog sitter is a little confused and needs a helping hand then let them know they can head over to our social media for some tips and tricks!

If your pet sitter can keep an eye on your pet while they are eating, then stuffing moo tubes or giving your dog a marrow bone is also a great alternative to the lick mats, also great enrichment which your dog is bound to love! However it is important to keep an eye on them while they are eating as it could be a potential choking hazard.

Doggy care

As we’re in high tick season its important to make your dog sitter aware of possible problems with ticks and how to remove them! The Tick Twister is a great way of making this as easy and risk free as possible, so this is something we definitely recommend packing in your dogs suitcase.

Wipes are also a great one to pack into this kit, the Aniforte dog wipes are a great dog friendly wipe which may be good to pack in case your dog gets a little muddy or dirty on there stay with their dog sitter!


We have a great range of treats which we sell, if your dog struggles with stress and anxiety especially while being away from you then our hemp treats are a great solution, the hemp provides a natural calming agent which helps ease your stressed and anxious dog. This is a great treat to send your dog off to the pet sitter with as if they are having issues with your pup feeling a little anxious it can be a quick easy remedy!

We also have some great dried raw treats such as our dried liver chews and Lamb puffs which are very popular and always go down a treat! However if you’re unsure on how comfortable your pet sitter is with handling raw, we have also got some great Leo and Wolf baked treats.