High-quality raw dog and cat food is nothing like tinned or kibble varieties. There is no funny smell, no greasy residue and no off-putting jelly or other squeamish ingredients.

You don’t need to worry about specialist food safety and contamination risks, you just have to remember that raw pet food contains raw meat and so requires the same sanitary treatment as the handling of any raw meat in the kitchen.

Ordering our raw food is really simple...

Man sitting on a sofa with a cat on their lap, thanks for your order!

Thanks for your order!

Once you have placed your order, we will pack the frozen food in polystyrene boxes which keeps the food frozen for 2-3 days.

It's on it's way - a golden retriever dog standing with their owner on their doorstep as they unpackage a delivery of raw food.

It's on it's way!

We send the food via courier (24-hour delivery).

It's been delivered - an open freezer drawer filled with Nutriment frozen raw dog food.

It's been delivered!

Once your order has arrived with you, place it in the freezer.

  • DDD - defrost, a golden retriever dog helps their owner take food out of the freezer.


    When you're ready to defrost a meal, take it out of the freezer and leave to defrost in the fridge.

  • DDD - dish, a golden retriever watches their owner put raw dog food into a bowl on a kitchen counter.


    Once defrosted, just serve into their bowl with clean utensils.

  • DDD Delight - a golden retriever eating raw food on the floor of a kitchen with their owner petting them.


    Enjoy watching your pet devour every bite.

Keeping it hygenic


  • Keep raw food away from cooked meat to prevent contamination.


  • Always defrost food in the fridge and make sure it is covered.
  • Once defrosted, make sure the food is used within 2-3 days and always keep it in the fridge.


  • Use a stainless steel bowl as they are easier to clean.
  • If you use another material of bowl, make sure there are no chips or cracks to prevent bacteria from hiding in there.
  • Always wash all bowls and utensils after use with warm soapy water.

Contact surfaces

  • Wash any surfaces you have used to prepare raw food with disinfectant spray or warm soapy water.